From the month of April till June, 2019, UiTM SISU had been very active in hosting 3D printing workshops. Several series of workshops were conducted involving 50 participants comprising students, lecturers and technicians. The workshops had enabled the participants to produce their prototypes in 3D format. It is interesting to note that none of the participants had any exposure to 3D printing before. The workshops had indirectly provided them with a new skill and expertise. They can now pitch their product by bringing the sample or prototype during their presentations.

The following are the dates when the 3D printing workshops were conducted:

  1. 20 March, 2019 (6 participants)
  2. 11 June, 2019 (12 participants)
  3. 17 June, 2019 (5 participants)
  4. 19 June, 2019 (4 participants)
  5. 26 June, 2019 (19 participants)
  6. 28 June, 2019 (4 participants)

TOTAL participants = 50 participants

The following are some of the photos taken during the series of workshop.